(Registered under Society Registration Act 21 of 1860)


The structure and processes of the Indian Social Science Academy are rooted in ‘democracy’ and ‘democratic principles’. General House comprising all the effective members is the apex/supreme body. Sovereignty of the Indian Social Science Academy lies with the General House. Members of the General House having voting rights elect the members of the Executive Council through postal ballot for a period of one year. Composition of the elected members of Executive Council is as follows:

  1. President
  2. Two Vice-Presidents
  3. General Secretary
  4. Treasurer
  5. Twenty Councillors

Five Joint Secretaries and five Special Invitees are nominated by the Executive Council. Hon. Directors and Presidents and Secretaries of State Centres are its ex-officio members. Of all the permanent Institutional Members 5 institutions are members of the Executive Council for a year on rotation basis.

All other bodies/units are created by the Executive Council subject to approval of the General House. A diagrammatic view of structures of various bodies that have been created during last 35 years is given below.