(Registered under Society Registration Act 21 of 1860)

Session Focal Theme Venue Year
XLVII Science Education and Research in Swaraj India Baridua, Meghalaya 2024
XLVI Seventy Five Years of Swaraj India Tiruchirappalli, T.N 2023
XLV Environment, Energy and Health Vandalur, Chennai 2022
XLIII Current Science of Human-Nature-Society in India Bengaluru 2020
XLII Human Future In Digital Era Bhubaneswar 2018
XLI Indian University Education System Salem 2017
XL Peoples Health and Quality of Life in India Mysuru 2016
XXXIX Emerging Interfaces of Social Science and Public Policy in India Mangalore 2015
XXXVIII Knowledge Systems, Scientific Temper And The Indian People Visakhapatnam 2015
XXXVII Building An Ecologically Sustainable Society Aligarh 2013
XXXVI Science, Society And The Planet Earth Bhubaneswar 2012
XXXV Working For Peaceful Co-existence And A Just World Wardha 2011
XXXIV India Post-1991 Guwahati 2010
XXXIII Our Planet In Crisis Hyderabad 2010
XXXII The Indian Republic At The Crossroads New Delhi 2008
XXXI. Peoples’ Struggles And Movements for Equitable Society Mumbai 2007
XXX Towards A New Global Society Kraikudi 2006
XXIX Facing The Challenges of Modern Civilisation Lucknow 2005
XXVIII The Crisis of Modern Civilisation Gandhigram 2005
XXVII The Challenges To Democracy In India : From Critique to Construction Kharagpur 2003
XXVI Power, Violence And Society Visakhapatanam 2002
XXV The Emerging Challenges of Globalisation And Food Security In The Twenty First Century Thiruvanathapuram 2001
XXIV Perspective of Development of India In The Twenty First Century Chandigarh 2000
XXIII Social Change: The Initiatives and Intervention Coimbatore 1999
XXII Democracy, Peoples', Development And Culture: The Emerging Challenges And Initiatives Gandhigram 1998
XXI Peoples' Technology And Social Organisation in Action Thanjavur 1997
XX Fifty Years of Freedom of India: State, Nation and People Santiniketan 1996-97
XIX People of India Allahabad 1996
XVIII Knowledge for New World Order Vadodara 1994
XVII Creativity, Technology, Productivity & Justice: The Indian Context Bangalore 1993
XVI Decay & Destruction Today: Social Reality and Social Theory Pune 1991
XV Society, Language & Development: Indian Context Berhampur 1990
XIV Planning for India's Development : The Vision, The Challenges Implementation Ahmedabad 1989
XIII Social Implications of Development: The Asian Experience New Delhi 1988
XII Indian Society at the Turn of the Century: Objectives Strategies Mysore 1987
XI Challenges of Transformation of Society and Culture in India Mumbai 1986
X Social Structure of Society in India Allahabad 1985
IX State & Society in India Aligarh 1984
VIII Strategies of India's Development Hyderabad 1983
VII National Integration and Development of India New Delhi 1982
VI Social Perspective of Development of Science & Technology in India Kanpur 1981
V Impact of Science & Technology on Indian Society Udaipur 1980
IV Social Science of Society of Future Santiniketan 1979
III Accelerating Rural Development Kanpur 1978
II Problems of Development of Small Towns Varanasi 1977
I Issues in Social Research in India Allahabad 1976

XLII Focal Theme (2018-2019)


Indian Social Science Academy (ISSA) and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University (KIITU) propose to focus deliberations of the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress on ‘Human Future in Digital Era’ with a view to exploring the impact of information and communication technology-based massive digitisation of the world on future condition of humans.


We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that is fundamentally altering the way we work, communicate (television, face-books, WhatsApp, websites, internet, mobile... ) and, indeed, the way we live. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but what we do know is that in its scale, scope, and complexity, the emerging technological transformation is going to be very different from transformations experienced by society during the First, Second and Third industrial revolutions.

The First industrial revolution used steam power to mechanise production, the Second, electric power to create mass production, the Third, electronics and communication technologies based digitisa-tion of machine functions leading to automated production. Impact of these transformations on health, life styles, employment, environment, culturally configured human skills, to migration and globalisation have been discussed and debated.

The speed of current breakthroughs has no historical precedent. Today’s transformations are not linear extrapolation or prolongation of the Third Industrial Revolution but rather beginning of a distinct Fourth Industrial revolution . The Fourth industrial revolution is building on digitisation of not only func-tions of mechanical systems but of human behaviour too. The enhanced technological capabilities of processing digitised data of large number of mechanical systems and humans with speed enables config-uring a variety of systems/products that combine humans with machines to cater to both perceived and created requirements of targeted segments of society. The digitisation is, thus, leading to a Digital Age characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.

This Digital Age is heralding changes that cover in scope and depth the systems of production, management, governance, interaction between people and, indeed, almost all facets of our living on the planet earth.

The question is to what extent and how is this Digital transformation addressing problems of basic needs of hunger, education, health and employment for all ?

Are critical problems of developmental of rising income inequalities where few persons have as much as half of the total wealth of all the inhabitants of the planet or the problems of climate change and sustainability threatening the very existence of humans on earth on the agenda of agents and agencies steering digitisation ? Does the agenda envisage a more democratic and cultured world?

These are some of the issues arising out of the emerging technological revolution that the 42nd In-dian Social Science Congress on ‘Human Future in Digital Era’ aims to dialogue and discuss comprehen-sively integrating technological, social, political, economic and policy perspectives amongst stakeholders of the global community , from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society.


In recent years Digitisation has also emerged an important and integral part of the development agenda of Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic of India; ‘Digital India’ is an enthusiastic rhetoric of the present Government.

Historically, Digitisation in India entered in the ninety fifties, like in the western countries , through scientific research requirements in areas like nuclear physics and cosmic rays. Observations by electronic devices in these areas gave digital data that required processing and analysis or computation. In India Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) was engaged in cosmic ray and nuclear physics. Homi Bhabha supported by Nehruvian thrust on science, nucleated a team to work on digital and computer technology. By 1959, the team succeeded in bringing out a functional computer christened by Nehru in 1962 as TIFR Automatic Calculator (TIFRAC); a first generation machine using vacuum tubes, germanium diodes and resistors. Over 50 organisations including research laboratories, universities, and government agencies regularly used the machine for research purposes.

By 1960s, however, in industrialised countries more advanced computers with faster online proc-essing speeds using new computer languages had been developed. Although TIFR and its public sector partner Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) did further work on a model more advanced than TIFRAC, in the absence of supporting electronic component fabrication facilities in India, they could not keep pace with the advancement taking place abroad. However, perusing policy of developing indigenous research capabilities, in 1963 IIT Kanpur for research work got an IBM 360 machine under the Indo- American aid programme through personal efforts of Nehru. Also, P.C. Mahalanabis, for performing sta-tistical calculations for planning commission, got an imported Hollieth Computer at Indian Statistical Institute (ISI). Indeed, ISI in collaboration with Jadavpur University did come up with a transistor based computer which was specifically used for research purposes.

Computer and digitisation expertise had got seeded in India

Towards the end of 1960s computers had entered a marketable product at the hands of companies in US, and Europe. In early 1970s IBM of US, enthused by its experience of introducing computers in few Indian academic institutions, decided to get a market foothold in India. It proposed introduction of computers in large and expanding non- strategic areas such as railways reservation to GOI. The then Indira Gandhi’s government committed to a policy of establishing a strong indigenous base in emerging areas of S & T apprehending expansion of IBM may thwart the progress of indigenous programme of computer development, set up an ‘Electronics Committee’ headed by Vikram Sarabhai to examine IBMs proposal in detail. The examination revealed that IBMs proposal essentially was to install its old machines in India and earn by refurbishing and leasing them out at inflated rates to government departments; the cover story of IBM, however, was that it wanted to help India gradually build computer capabilities.

The growing importance of electronics was recognised and a separate Department of Electronics (DOE) and Electronics Commission were established to give thrust to indigenous development of all areas of electronics including computers. DOE initiated a parliamentary enquiry committee to examine the working of IBM in India. The Committee rejecting IBM’s proposal asked DOE to establish a public sector undertaking ‘Computer Maintenance Corporation’ (CMC), through which IBM’s team had to maintain its installed computers In India. Caught in its own game, IBM got a clear signal that a strong market foot-hold in India was difficult. Finally, in 1977 during the Janata Government, George Fernandes invoked For-eign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), the conditions of which were such that IBM decided to wind up its operations in India.

By end of 1970s facilitated by ‘digitisation’, convergence of hitherto separate computer and tele-communication technologies had been realised. Multinational Companies in US, Japan and Europe started making and selling digital electronic switches for telephone exchanges as faster substitute of hitherto used slow and cumbersome electro-mechanical switches. They had established a monopoly position in it.

India also wanted to shift from electro-mechanical to digital switching system to meet the fast growing demand for telephones. A lot of marketing pressure was put by multinational on India’s Depart-ment of Telecommunications (DOT) to buy their property new digital switching system. Under the cir-cumstances GOI asked Department of Electronics and DOT to jointly establish a Centre for Develop-ment of Telecommunication( C-DOT) with development of electronic switching as one of its mandate. It is around this time (1984) that NRI Sam Pitroda with established credentials in the communication technol-ogy living in US while on a visit to India for attending a Conference, impressed by digital and computer expertise available in India, presented a plan of making digital switching system in India to Indira Gandhi and her cabinet colleagues. Pitroda’s suggested digital switch , unlike those of multinationals meant to work in clean air-conditioned environment, promised to work in dusty and hot rural environment. Im-pressed by the presentation and sensing the possibility of making telephone accessible to both rural and urban populations through indigenous technology, Prime Minister invited Sam Pitroda and extended him a grant to head to an independent project at C-DOT for indigenously making digital switches. As a result, digital switching system that could work in dusty and hot rural and urban environment were not only de-veloped but under one of the technology missions of Rajiv Gandhi (the young PM after the death of Indira Gandhi) , C-DOT delivered 60 million lines through Public Call Offices (PCOs) leading to an exponential growth of the telecom services. For the first time since independence telephone communication was brought within walking distance of a large cross section of India’s population. To give further push to dig-itisation and computerisation, Rajiv Gandhi in 1984 established Telecom Commission, the country’s high-est telecom policymaking body and made Pitroda’s Chief technology advisor to PM its first chairperson. Centre for Development of Advanced Computers (C-DAC) was also established. A Computer Policy was formulated that allowed import of computers for developing and exporting software. It is during this time that in response to a ban imposed by US government on its CRAY company to supply its supercom-puter to India ( required for weather forecasting purposes) , C-DAC came out with its own supercomputer Param.

By now a good indigenous base in digitisation technology had been created in India

Here it may be noted that Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, had refused USA’s pressure for computerisation of Indian Railways in 1984.

In 1991, however, Indian economy under Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh had started opening The government further eased controls on import of computers and allowed the import of fully assembled motherboards with processors, the core of a computer with connected chips. Locally made peripheral components could then be added to it to assemble a computer system. Although duty had to be paid for import of motherboard, overall there was a net reduction in the price of computers.

With wider availability of computers, in 1995, the then public sector monopoly Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited launched India’s first internet service for public access. The country saw a mushrooming of internet cafes.

In 1998, global multimillion computer industry was caught in an unexpected lack of foresight of the coming year 2000. It had failed to anticipate that the practice of keeping only two empty places in the memory to specify a year ( to save memory space) could lead to systems breaking down when January 1, 2000 dawned, known as ‘Y2K’ problem . The task of trawling through millions of lines of installed computer code to correct the Y2K fault was not only tedious but time consuming. 'Y2K was like godsend for India’s software capabilities using which Indian firms had quickly developed methods of debugging computers programmed to use only two digits to signify the year. India’s earnings through export of software companies rose exponentially and ever since have continued to grow.

With expansion of telecommunication and internet usage entry of mobile phones followed and by now have widely penetrated in India.

Building on the evolved digital infrastructure, government , national and multinational companies, non-government organisations have started using it some for welfare and some for commercial purposes.

In a sense India is at a stage where it has some expertise in digital technology as also appears to be taking a step forward to enter the Digital age.


The proposed deliberations, on ‘Human Future in Digital Era’ seek to achieve following objectives:
0301. To comprehand the science of digital technology/Information Technology.
0302. To determine status of development of digital technology in India.
0303. To explore the connections between digital technology and production & distribution.
0304. To investigate connection between digital technology and employment.
0305. To find out association between digital technology and education.
0306. To assess impact of digital technology on learning and creativity,
0307. To evaluate impact of digital technology on health of the general public.
0308. To determine the impact digital technology on social cohesion, peace, conflict, violence, rapes and murders.
0309. To ascertain secularising and/or communalising effects of digital technology.
0310. To investigate relationship between digital technology and bio-diversity including ecology and envi-ronment.
0311. To assess power of digital technology in stopping extinction of species and saving the world from extinction.
0312. To determine the power of digital technology in making the future of human better, safer and secure.
0313. To determine the power of digital technology for promoting slavery and destroying democracy.
0314. To investigate effects of Digital Technology/Information Teachnology/robotics on human personalities and human behaviour.
0315 To explore effects of ‘Information overload’ on human thoughts, creativity and behaviour.
0316Any other relevant to the understanding of the need, relevance and validity of Digital/Information Technology/Robotics..


Taking note of the above context the following are some of the issues that require concerted consideration and discussion:

  1. The extent to which indigenous technological base of India has improved? Is India today self-reliant in Digital Technology?
  2. Has India’s dependence on foreign S & T declined substantially?
  3. Is dependence of Indian industries on imported technology increased or decreased ?
  4. What aspects of India’s socio-economic development are on the computerisation and digitisation agenda and details thereof:
    • Employment for all able persons?
    • Redress problems of hunger and disease?
    • Agriculture Productivity and farmers welfare?
  5. Will digitisation upgrade or degrade skills of Indian youth and artisans?
    In order to seek valid answers to all these and many more questions scientists need to keep the following four major questions in view:
    • What was India before introduction of computer or digital technology?
    • What is India today?
    • What will India be tomorrow?
    • What India ought to be?


While dialoguing on above questions we need to pay due attention to some of the following new phrases/buzzwords commonly found in the rhetoric being communicated to us by digital media 24 x 7 .

SiliconValley, Knowledge Society, Global Village, Virtual World, Information Revolution, Ama-zon, Flipkart, Google, Aadhar card, A.T.M., Paytm, E-governance, E-commerce, Smart Phone, Smart Town, Cyber Crime, Tele-medicine, Cashless Economy, Skill development, Make-in-India, Sting Operation, Net Neutrality, Selfie, Video, Internet Chat, Social Media, Whatsapp Cloud Technology, Big data, etc. ,


What is true for India may be true for all other Asian, African and Latin American countries. It would enrich the proposed deliberations if scientists from these countries including USA, Canada, Europe and Australia contribute their research papers and participate in the deliberations.

Indian Social Science Academy and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, there-fore, propose to focus the deliberations of the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress on ‘Human Future in Digital Era’. It invites all scientists, technologists, philosophers, social activists, policy planners and the General public to put forward resuslts of their research/thinking at the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress. All the science academies of today’s world arecordially invited.


Following may be considered as major sub-themes of the focul theme ‘Human Future In Digital Era’:
0501. Science and Technology of Digital Era.
0502. Politics and political implication of Digital Era.
0503. Connection between digital technology and economy.
0504. Impact of digital technology on employment and generation of new job opportunities.
0505. Impact of digital technology on Peoples Health.
0506. Impact of digital technology on education, learning and research.
0507. Impact of digital technology on removal of poverty and large scale undernourish-ment/malnourishment.
0508. Digital Technology, social cohesion, social alienation and social violence.
0509. Biodiversity, ecology global warming and digital technology.
0510. Social Justice, crimes and digital technology.
0511. Digital technology, Democracy and the new forms of slavery.
0512. Role of digital technology in conflicts and war.
0513. Information over load And Human Behaviour.
0514 Virtual Learning And Real Learning
0515 e-governance and law-And-order.

0700 Seminars/Symposia/Colloquia/ Workshops Themes

  1. International
    1. Science of Real World Vs Science of Virtual World.
    2. Impact of digitization/information technology on World Economy and Peoples Economic conditions.
    3. Centralizing power of digital technology and sustainability of the Human on Planet Earth.
    4. Nuclearisation, Digitization and Annihilation of Human.
    5. Third World War
    6. Madan Mohan Malviya’s Vision of University Education System
  2. National
    1. Status of indigenous Science and Technology.
    2. Status of Indigenous Digital Science and Technology.
    3. Impact of digital/information technology on Indian Economy.
    4. Impact of digital/information Technology on Indian Agriculture.
    5. Impact of digital Technology on Peoples quality of life and health.
    6. Impact of digital/information technology on School and University Education System.
    7. Digital Technology and Social Alienation.
    8. Digital Technology/Information Technology and Social Violence (rapes, murders).
    9. Digital Technology/Information Technology Democracy and Human Rights.
    10. Impact of Digital/Information Technology on Family, Community, Society and Culture.
    11. E-commerce, e-trading, GST, and Corporate Capital.
    12. Secularizing/Communalizing Effects of Digital/Information Technology.
    13. Cyber Crimes, Net-Neutrality and call drop, Face book, Whatsapp.
    14. Impact of Digital Technology on Labour.
    15. Information Technology Revolution and Social Revolution
  3. Special Workshops/Colloquia
    1. Relevance and validity of selective approach to University Education System.
    2. Funding of Research and Development.
    3. Teacher-less class and Classless Teacher.
    4. Privatization/ Corporatization of Education.
    5. Dynamics of Rising Unemployment under Neoliberal Economy.
    6. Madan Mohan Malviya’s Vision of University Education System


The proposed deliberations on ‘Human Future In Digital Era’ call for intra, inter and multi disciplinary objective, dispassionate and non-political approach. Twenty Eight Subjects Research Committees, 21 interdisciplinary Thematic Panels, 8 plenaries, several international and national semi-nars/symposia/workshops/colloquia, special and public lectures by eminent scientists shall, therefore, deli-berate upon all aspects of the focal theme ‘Human Future In Digital Era’,synthesis of the results of deli-berations will be done by Task Force of the XLII Indian Social Science Congress.

    1. I. Impact of Digitization on Agriculture
    2. Evolving Strategy for the Resolution of Deepening Agrarian Crisis
    3. Digital Technology and GM Crops

      Special theme:

    1. Impact of Digitalization of the World on Existence, Survival and Growth of Humans.
    2. Native and narratives in digital world.
    3. Ethnographies and narratives is a global world.
    4. Gift and Social exchange in global world.
    5. Digital Technology, Democracy and Human right.
    6. Digital Technology and Tribal Development.
    7. Digital Technology empowerment.
    8. Cultural awareness and Tribal empowerment


    1. Architectural Heritage and Digital Technology
    2. Archival Studies and digital technology
    3. Epigraphy and Digital Technology
    4. Prehistoric and Historical Research and Digital Technology.
    5. Impact of Digitization of the World on Culture
    6. Digitization and Numismatic Studies
    1. Theme: Biological Implications of World’s Digitization (Bioinformatics)


    1. Research in Biotechnology & Its Connections with Digitization
    2. India’s Dependence on Foreign/Imported Digital Technology
    1. Impact of Digital Technology on Chemical Science
    2. Digital Chemical Technology and Human Future


    1. (I) Impact Digitization on Trade and Commerce
    2. e-Commerce, e-Trading, GST and Corporate Capital


    1. Impact of Digitized Communication on People, Society and Social Cohesion


    1. Indigenous Development of Digital Technology


    1. Digitization, Remote Sensing and The Planet Earth
    2. Technology and Weather Forecasting


    1. Digitization and Conservation of Ecology and Environment


    1. Connection between Digital Technology and Economics
    2. Impact of Digital Technology on Employment and Generation of New Job Opportunity
    3. Impact of Digital Technology on Poverty, Hunger and under/mal nourishment
    4. Impact of Digital Technology on Employment and Skill Development
    5. Nexus between Digital Technology and Poverty & Well being
    6. Role of Digital Technology in Public Services Delivery


    1. Impact of Digitization on School and University Education
    2. Impact of Digital Technology on Education, Learning and Research
    3. Teacher-less Class and Class-less Teacher
    4. Role of Digitized In Privatization/Corporatization/Commoditization of Education
    5. Funding of Research And Education


    1. Impact of Digitization on Engineering and Technological Education and Research
    2. of Digital Technology on Development and Innovations of Indigenous Technologies for Self-Reliant Development


    1. Geographical Perspectives on Population, Development and Ecology


    1. Impact of Digitization on Food and Home Kitchen
    2. of Digital of Digital Technology on Clothing and Life Style


    1. Digitized International Relations
    2. Digitized Weapons of Mass Destruction-led War and Destruction of Life from the Plant Earth
    3. India and Its Neighbors
    4. Trade War between USA and China
    5. of continued Conflict and War in Middle East


    1. Impact of Digitization on Social Justice
    2. Impact of Digitalization on Freedom, Privacy and Equality
    3. Cyber Crime


    1. Impact of Digitization of Indian Languages and Creativity


    1. . Concept And Theory of Digitized Industrial and Social Management (e.g. Biometrics, Aadhar, DNA, etc)
    2. Digital Technology and e-Governance


    1. . Mathematics of Digital Technology
    2. Informatics
    3. Digitalised Statistical Manipulations
    4. Big Data Analysis


    1. Impact of Digitization Technology on Medical Science and Peoples Health
    2. Impact of Digital Technology Radiation on Peoples’ Health
    3. Necessity, Relevance and Effectiveness of Telemedicine.
    4. Digital Technology and Radiology


    1. Philosophy of Digitized World
    2. Ethics of Digital Technology


    1. Physics and Digital Technology
    2. Physics and Radiation
    3. Understanding Cosmic Radiation and its Connection with Digital Technology
    4. Physics and Economics


    1. Political Power of Digital Technology
    2. Digital Technology and Democracy
    3. Digital Technology and State
    4. Digital Technology, Aadhar Card and National Register
    5. Digital Technology and Human Rights
    6. One country, one vote and Union of States


    1. Psychology of Digital Technology Created Virtual World Vs Psychology of Real World
    2. Psychology of Virtual Learning
    3. Information Overload and Human Behaviour
    4. Digital Technology and Personality Disorder


    1. . Effects of Digital Technology on Society and Social Behaviour
    2. Digital Technology, Social Violence and Social Work


    1. Sociology of Digital Technology
    2. Digital Technology, Family, Society and Social Alienation.
    3. Impact of Digital Technology on Social Processes and Social Technology
    4. Sociology of Digital Technology, Generated Violence (Rapes and Murders)
    5. Human in Digital Era: Opportunities and Threats
    6. Digital Era and Society: Changing nature of social relationship and social problems
    7. Women in Digital Era: Newer Horizons and Newer Challenges
    8. Youth and Children in Digital Era: Challenges and opportunities
    9. Digital Era: The Way Forward


There are 21 interdisciplinary Thematic Panels as stated below. Research scientists, policy planners, development administrators and social activists concerned with the given Panels are welcome to submit their research papers:

  1. Conflicts, War, Peace and Social Security
  2. Democracy And Human Rights
  3. Ecological and Environmental Protection Movements
  4. Ethics of Science and Society
  5. Global Warming and Climate Change
  6. History and Philosophy of Science
  7. Information Technology, Mass Media and Culture
  8. Labour in Organized and Unorganized Sectors
  9. Nation, States and Emerging Challenges
  10. Natural Resources, Bio-diversity and Geographic Information System
  11. Patent Laws and Intellectual Property Rights
  12. Peasants, Livelihood and Land-use
  13. People (Dalits, Tribes, Women, Peasants, etc) Struggles And Movements For Equitable Democratic Society
  14. Peoples Health and Quality of Life
  15. Political Economy of India
  16. Population, Poverty and Migration
  17. Rural Technology, Social Organizations and Rural Development
  18. Science Communication and Science Popularization
  19. Science, Technology and Social Development
  20. Social Processes, Social Structures and Social Alienation
  21. Unity of Science /Science of Nature-Humans-Society

Ad Hoc Group Discussion

Scientists or a group of scientists doing research on a new theme having newer theoretical and me-thodological and social implications are welcome to organize discussion on the same. Those interested in it are advised to send their proposal to the General Secretary before Oct 15, 2018. The proposer shall be its convener and should moblise 5-10 participants having papers on the same theme.

Eighth All India Young Scientists Convention

Eighth All India Young Scientists Convention will be held during the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress. Its main object is to bring young scientists of all subjects of science together to learn science of Nature-Humans-Society in order to do creative and original research and be able to play leadership role in the realm of Science and Society and Indian Social Science Academy.

Task Force

Task Force shall hold its deliberations on the deliberations of XLII Indian Social Science Congress in post-dinner session between 2130-2300 hours every day. It will present its ‘Trend Report’ to the assembly of delegates on December 19, 2018 at 1400 hrs for discussion and adoption. It is to explore and develop newer ideas, theories, methods and policy applications emerging from the deliberations of the XLII Indian Social Science Congress.

Submission of Papers

All university and college teachers, students and scientists working in CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, ICSSR, ICPR, ICHR, DST Institutes, IIISERS, NISERS, IITs, NITs, Engineering Colleges, Medical and Health Science Universities, Medical Colleges, AIIMS, PGIs, National/Regional Laboratories, DRDO’s In-stitutes/Laboratories, are cordially invited to present their research papers at the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress

Papers can be either based on research or on review of researches or study of policies and Peoples movements. Those who are working in the field and wish to present papers based on their field works too are welcome to present their papers. However, none is permitted to present papers by copying others’ papers from research Journals or internet. Each paper, therefore, has to be accompanied by a duly signed ‘Declaration Form’ given in the annexure. Scientists found guilty of plagiarization shall be respon-sible for their acts.

Three copies of a paper, with CD and its abstract in triplicate should be submitted to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy. Abstract of papers should be within 500 words and the paper within 7000 words and format given in the annexureshould be used

It is advisable to e-mail abstracts and papers to the respective Chairman of Research Com-mittees/Thematic Panels and the General Secretary, ISSA in order to facilitate quick response (See pp 19-31). All papers are edited by the respective research committees. Provisional acceptance is issued on receipt of abstract of the paper and final acceptance after submission of the full paper and completion of registration.

Dates For Submission of Papers

The last date for submission of abstract and full paper are as follows:

(i) Last Date For Submission of Abstract : December 01, 2018
(ii) Last Date For Submission of Full Paper: December 10, 2018

It may be noted that one can submit paper even after the last date and till December 10, 2018. No paper, however, will be received during the session of the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress. The papers received after December 10 , 2018 will be printed after the XLII ISSC is over.

Since issue of visa is a time consuming process, the foreign scholars are advised to submit the abstract of their papers before September 15, 2018 and the full paper before November 30, 2018 along with their bio-data after visiting website of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India


Papers can be submitted either in Hindi or in English as the Hindi and English are the official languages of Indian Social Science Congress. As a policy Indian Social Science Academy would like to have all Indian languages as the medium of exchange at ISSC. However, it doesn’t have resources for it. Those who cannot write in Hindi or English are welcome to write in their language. However, they are ex-pected to mail the original text of their papers along with the translated copy either in Hindi or Eng-lish.

Gold Medals

Two Gold Medals, namely, A.K. Tharien Gold Medal and B.V. Rangarao Gold Medal are available for the best papers presented at the XLII Indian Social Science Congress. Two best papers of XLII ISSC adjudged by appropriate committee shall be given Gold Medals at the next session of Indian Social Science Congress in 2019.

Accommodation and Food

All registered delegates of XLII Indian Social Science Congress shall be provided free Guest House/Hostel Accommodation and free food with effect from December 26, 2018 (dinner) to January1, 2019 (breakfast). Accommodation, however, will be available from December 26, 2018 morning. Foreign delegates will be provided accommodation on receipt of intimation well in advance. Those wishing to stay in hotels are advised to make their own arrangements. The Organizing Committee would charge rent for the accommodation prior to December 26 and after December 31, 2018.

All correspondence regarding accommodation should be addressed to the Local Organizing Secre-tary. Filled-in Accommodation And Food Form and Travel Form given in the annexure should be mailed to the Local Organizing Secretary before November 20, 2018..

Transport and Registration

All registered delegates of XLII Indian Social Science Congress will be received at railway station/ airport/bus station at Bhubaneswar.

Kashi Darshan

Bhubaneswar is a beautiful place. Arrangement for visit to beautiful places will be made on De-cember 26, 2018 and January 1, 2019. Delegates desirous of seeing the beautiful and historical places are requested to contact the Organizing Secretary well in advance.


All those who wish to present their research papers at XLII Indian Social Science Congress are re-quired to get themselves registered by paying the stipulated registration fee. Details of registration fee a as follows:

Category Up to December 20, 2018 From December21, 2018
Member Delegate Rs 3,000.00 Rs 3,500.00
Non-Member Delegate Rs 4,000.00 Rs 4,500.00
Institutional Member Delegate(up to three persons) Rs 10,000.00 Rs 12,500.00
Non Member Institutional Delegate(up to three persons) Rs 15,000.00 Rs 18,500.00
Member Students Delegate Rs 2,000.00 Rs 25,500.00
Non-Member Students Delegate Rs 2,500.00 Rs 3,000.00
Local Delegate Rs 2,000.00 Rs 2,500.00
Foreign Delegates
     From Afro-Asian-Latin American Countries Rs. 5,000.00 Rs. 6,000.00
     From Other Countries(North America and europe) US $ 200.00 US $ 250.00
Accompanying Persons*
     Indian Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 2,500.00
     Afro-Asian-Latin American Countries Rs. 2,500.00 Rs. 3,000.00
     Other Foreign Countries(North America and europe) US $ 150.00 US $ 200.00

*The word ‘accompanying person’ means wife or husband or child. A child below the age of 6 years shall not be charged for food

One who is not a member but wishes to become member of the Indian Social Science Academy can send the membership fee and the registration fee meant for member-delegate along with filled-in membership and registration forms.

An institution/organization can depute its three or more representatives to the Indian Social Science Congress. In the event of more than three representatives, the cost of registration for individual delegate (member or non-member) shall be payable by the concerned institution/organization.

Unregistered scholars attending XLII Indian Social Science Congress shall be required to buy the food coupon from the counter. No certificate shall be issued to unregistered scholars or scholars who have registered without submitting any papers. No one will be entitled to receive literature of XLII ISSC without registration.

The Registered delegate is entitled to receive kitbags, all publications of the XLII Indian Social Science Congress including its proceedings free of cost, free hostel accommodation, free meals, and free transport from the Guest House/Hostel to the venue of XLII ISSC. The Organizing Committee may provide free or on payment transport from the railway station/airport to the Guest House/Hostel depending upon its resources. However, delegates staying in hotels or on their own shall not be entitled for free transport. Local registered delegates will be entitled for kitbags, free lunch, day tea/coffee and banquets only. Free Breakfast, lunch, day tea and dinner will be available to registered delegates with effect from evening of December 26, 2018 to the morning breakfast of January 1, 2019 only.

The registration fee should be sent to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy by an account payee DD in favour of Indian Social Science Academy payable at Allahabad under registered cover. Outstation cheque or money order will not be entertained. Multicity cheques will be accepted.

Although on the spot registration will be made, yet the Organizing Committee is not bound to pro-vide hostel accommodation to such outstation delegates if the accommodation is not available.

It is, therefore, advisable to get registered within the stipulated time in order to avoid last minutes inconvenience.

The invited scholars and members of the Executive Council, NAAC, Organizing Committee, Re-search Committees, Thematic Panels, Task Force and other bodies and special invitees are advised to pay the registration fee within the stipulated period and act in accordance with advice by the General Secretary, Indian Social Sciences Academy. None is exempted from registration fee. Registration is necessary for enabling the Organizing Committee to arrange accommodation, transport and food for all.

Timely registration and intimation of need for accommodation will facilitate planning for food, accommodation, Transport, Kits, etc.

Refund of the registration fee will be made after deducting 40% as the service charges if the re-quest for it is received before December 10, 2018. Literature of the XLII ISSC, however, shall not be sup-plied in such cases. Those who have registered but are not able to attend the XLII ISSC because of un-avoidable reasons would be supplied all the publications if their request for refund is not received within the stipulated date or if they do not wish refund.

In the event of more than one author of a paper, all will be required to pay the registration fee in-dividually. Co-author of a paper shall not be treated as accompanying person.


Indian Social Science Congress is open to ISSA members as well non-members. Those who wish to become members of ISSA are advised to post their membership fee along with filled-in membership form to the General Secretary. Such new members shall be eligible for concession in registration fee of XLII ISSC.

Travel Support

All the scholars working in universities, colleges, research institutes, laboratories and R&D organizations shall be expected to seek travel and registration support from their respective organizations. Those who are retired or do not enjoy any institutional support are advised to write to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy before October 15, 2018. All research students in receipt of UGC/CSIR/ICSSR/ICHR/ICPR Fellowships shall meet their travel and registration fee from their contin-gency grants. Such research students who are not receiving any fellowship are advised to write to the Gen-eral Secretary along with ‘bonafide’ and ‘non-receipt of Fellowship’ from their Registrar. Partial or full support will be provided on availability of fund. All Plenary speakers, Chairpersons/Conveners not having institutional support are advised to inform the General Secretary at the earliest.

All requests for travel support will be considered by the appropriate committee and decision will be com-municated by December 15, 2018.

one without paper and without prior commitment by the General Secretary in writing shall be entitled for travel support and on the spot payment of the TA bill is subject to receipt of UGC Grant before December 26, 2018 by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.


Programs of XLII Indian Social Science Congress shall begin at 0900 a.m. and will continue till 23.00 hours every day. Registration of local delegates will commence on December 25, 2018 and outstation registered delegates on Dec 26, 2018 An outline of programs of XLII ISSC is given inside the cover page. The structure of programs will be as follows:

0800 - Registration
0900-1300 Plenary
1300-1400 Lunch Break
1400-1700 Parallel Sessions
1700-1830 Special/Public Lectures
1830-1900 Free Time
1930-2030 Cultural Programs/Official Meeting
12130-2300 Task Force/Young Scientists Meet/State Social Science Academies

(Those RCs, Thematic Panels/Symposia, Seminars etc needing extra time can hold their sessions during 1900-2030 and 2139-2300 hours)

Inauguration of XLII ISSC will be held between 1000-1200 hrs on December 27, 2018 and the valedictory between 1600-1800 hrs on December 31, 2018.

Printed copies of Programmes will be available to registered delegates with Kits from the registration counter with effect from December 26, 2018. Discount of 40-50% will be available on ISSA publications.

All Research Committees, Thematic Panels and Symposia groups shall meet on December 26, 2018 at 14.30 hrs. at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Annual Meeting of the General House of the Indian Academy of Social Sciences will be held on December 28, 2018 at 1800 hrs at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Organizing Committee and Executive Council shall meet on December 26, 2018 at 10.00 a.m. at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

No Committee/Panel other than Plenary can hold meetings between 0900-1300 hrs.


Certificates will be available to the registered delegates with papers from the registration counter with effect from December 31, 2018 noon. All the registered delegates wishing to obtain certificates are re-quested to submit ‘Self-Appraisal Participation Report’ to the registration counter latest by December 30, 2018 at 10.00 a.m.

No certificate will be issued to the registered delegates without papers. Participation without paper by the local scholars is welcome, but no participation certificate will be issued to them.

Although all are expected to stay and participate in the deliberations of XLII Indian Social Science Congress with effect from December 27 to 31, 2018, yet those who wish to leave before because of some urgency are advised to inform the Local Organizing Secretary and the registration counter the date and time of their departure along with their postal addresses in writing. Their certificates will be posted later on.

Whom to contact?


  • Dr. N.P. Chaubey
  • General Secretary
  • Indian Social Science Academy
  • Iswar Saran Ashram Campus,
  • Allahabad 211004 (U.P.)
  • Email:; Tel: 0532-2544245 (O), 0532-2544570 (R)
  • Website:
  • Or
  • Dr. D.M. Diwakar
  • Member-Secretary
  • XLII Indian Social Science Congress
  • Professor & Head of Economics,
  • Former Director,
  • A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies,
  • Patna 800001 (Bihar)
  • Email:
  • Tel: 0612-2219395, M: 09472973336
  • Organizing Secretary
  • Dr Sasmitarani Samanta
  • Organizing Secretary
  • 42nd Indian Social Science Congress
  • Registrar, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar
  • Email:
  • M: +919437035188; +919937220218
  • Website:


  • Joint-Organizing Secretary
  • (i) Dr Bishwavandita Kar
  • Director, KIIT Research Cell
  • Professor in School of Applied Sciences,
  • Dean, School of Yoga
  • Email id: 9937043375
  • Joint-Organizing Secretary
  • Dr Banshidhar Mulia
  • Head, Department of Plastic Surgery
  • KIMS, KIIT University
  • Email id:
  • Mobile No. +917077927835

PLEASE VISIT WEBSITES: ISSA: and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Web-site:


XLI Focal theme



Indian Social Science Academy (formerly Indian Academy of Social Sciences, ISSA) in association with Periyar University proposes to focus the deliberations of the 41st session of the Indian Social Science Congress (ISSC) on ‘Indian University Education System: A Critical Appraisal’ with a view to comprehending its necessity, relevance and validity in advancing newer science of Nature-Humans-Society capable of liberating the peoples of India from perennial poverty, hunger, disease, unemployment, ignorance, etc. and enabling them to live well in peace and harmony with Nature.


Present-day events such as the privatisation of universities, or the commercialisation of education, cannot be correctly and critically understood without a deeper understanding of the history and philosophy of the Indian University Education System.

The fact is that the existing university education system was established in India in 1857 during the colonial times. There was no critical appraisal then. The privileged may have benefited more.] Higher education by its very nature is elitist or meritocratic. Now the access to higher education has improved with reservations and affirmative policies but the ongoing privatisation has led to an accentuation of inequalities in access.

Prior to 1871, there was no secular education in Britain. Rather this education system was designed and maintained as a monopoly of a religious organisation—the church—to suit the political agenda of the British rulers. The fact is that our present system still mimics and holds in high regard the Western University Education System (and universities such as Oxford and Cambridge) which were set up by the church during a religious war—the Crusades.

The various education commissions instituted after political independence in India, totally failed to correct (or even notice) this critical design flaw in the education system. As products of that education system, the members just assumed that a system of education designed and perfected by the church, to create missionary minds, was most suitable to a free and democratic India, and what was required was only some minor tinkering with it.

Accordingly, a critical appraisal of the university education system is long overdue.

Some of these issues surfaced during the 38th session of the Indian Social Science Congress which deliberated on ‘Knowledge System, Scientific Temper and The Indian People’. For example, Macaulay, in his Minute of 1835, advocated Western education for the sake of science. However, he used false history of science which was gullibly accepted for 150 years, by a mass of educated Indians without once attempting to cross-check it. A scientific temper demands that we cross-check everything, especially the premises on which we rejected the traditional education system and initiated the current university system. But despite much talk of scientific temper, this scientific temper was not exhibited in action.

Likewise, some of these issues also surfaced during the deliberations of the 39th session of Indian Social Science Congress, which had the focal theme ‘Emerging Interfaces of Social Science and Public Policy in India’. In particular, the issue of colonialism in the social sciences was addressed in the presidential speech. The 40th session of Indian Social Science Congress was centred on ‘Peoples’ Health and Quality of Life in India’, and gave rise to the question of values inculcated by the education system, given the total commercialisation of the medicine and health system.

What we need today is a fundamental reconceptualization of the aims and curriculum of university education. We need education which aims to free the mind instead of enslaving it, an education system which suits a free India, not a colonial India. We realize the large dimensions of the problem: that the colonialism 2 globalised its university system, and that a university does not exist in isolation. However, we also realize that Indians are not the only ones seeking a solution to the lingering problems of colonialism and its education system. Africa, for example, is witnessing huge student agitations to decolonise education. Global norms and standards cannot be accepted as a given and need to be rethought. For example, we need to rethink the current ways of ranking of universities, and current ways of ranking the academics employed in the universities, keeping in mind the revised overall objectives of university education.

Accordingly, the Indian Social Science Academy and Periyar University, have resolved to deliberate upon ‘Indian University Education System: A Critical Appraisal’ during 41st Indian Social Sciences Congress.


A question may arise here: What does University Education System mean? In order to define it one needs to understand meaning of the word ‘System’. ‘System’ means ‘an assemblage or combination of things or persons forming a complex or unitary whole or any assemblage or set of connected members’. What it means is that system comprises interconnected objects/things/persons having some kind of common attributes/functions/ motions/actions. There may be natural system (e.g. mountain system, earth system, universe, etc), biological system (e.g. nervous system, digestive system, etc) and social system (e.g. political system, Economic system, education system, agrarian system, industrial system, etc). Each system has a process, a structure and a function. All its constituents form a single unitary whole appearing as a unit. Unity of collectivity is the founding block of a system. The system is dynamic and not static as it is in constant motion. Each system can have sub-systems. Viewed this way the University Education System, therefore, has several interrelated components having interconnected common functions, motions/ actions, all forming a single unitary whole. Motion/action/function of all the components shall refer to ‘process’ or ‘processes’, whereas the interconnections between and among various components shall refer to structure. Organization of the University Education System, therefore, shall mean both, structure and process. For examples, students, teachers, Vice-Chancellor, registrar, clerical staff, etc comprise the components of the University Education System, and the manner in which they are put together will refer to organizational structure. Subject departments, faculties, library, curricula, syllabi, pedagogy, medium, etc form another set of components of University Education System. Source and nature of funding too form its components. Philosophy and objectives put all the components together in a dynamic unitary whole. The manner in which they act together refers to social process, (In biology, ‘Anatomy refers to structure and physiology’ refers to process). It may be noted here that University Education System is a sub-system of a larger system called social system. The social system can be primitive, tribal, feudal, colonial, neocolonial, democratic, socialist etc. It will have political, economic, education and culture its main constituents. Objectives and functions of the University Education System, therefore, shall be determined by a larger social system’s objectives and functions. In other words, there will be and ought to be high order of correlation between the objective and function of the larger social system and the University Education System. Prior to August 15, 1947, India was a colony of Britain because of which it had colonial social system and colonial university and school education system. Since the colonial social system was rooted in the philosophy of exploitation, plunder, loot of India’s Wealth, it has exploitative social system having all kinds of commands and controls, all organized in a hierarchy. Indian University Education System had to serve this larger goal of the colonial system.

India became free on August 15, 1947 and a Democratic Republic on January 26, 1950. New democratic social system rooted in the principles of freedom, equality and fraternity is said to have come into existence. Peoples of India became sovereign of Democratic Republic. This called for corresponding change in colonial School and university Education system. Question to ponder is: Did Democratic Republic of India create a new democratic and scientific Education system in consonance with its Democratic social system and democratic needs and aspirations of its sovereigns, i.e. peoples of India?

Computer and digitisation expertise had got seeded in India

Towards the end of 1960s computers had entered a marketable product at the hands of companies in US, and Europe. In early 1970s IBM of US, enthused by its experience of introducing computers in few Indian academic institutions, decided to get a market foothold in India. It proposed introduction of computers in large and expanding non- strategic areas such as railways reservation to GOI. The then Indira Gandhi’s government committed to a policy of establishing a strong indigenous base in emerging areas of S & T apprehending expansion of IBM may thwart the progress of indigenous programme of computer development, set up an ‘Electronics Committee’ headed by Vikram Sarabhai to examine IBMs proposal in detail. The examination revealed that IBMs proposal essentially was to install its old machines in India and earn by refurbishing and leasing them out at inflated rates to government departments; the cover story of IBM, however, was that it wanted to help India gradually build computer capabilities.

The growing importance of electronics was recognised and a separate Department of Electronics (DOE) and Electronics Commission were established to give thrust to indigenous development of all areas of electronics including computers. DOE initiated a parliamentary enquiry committee to examine the working of IBM in India. The Committee rejecting IBM’s proposal asked DOE to establish a public sector undertaking ‘Computer Maintenance Corporation’ (CMC), through which IBM’s team had to maintain its installed computers In India. Caught in its own game, IBM got a clear signal that a strong market foot-hold in India was difficult. Finally, in 1977 during the Janata Government, George Fernandes invoked For-eign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), the conditions of which were such that IBM decided to wind up its operations in India.

By end of 1970s facilitated by ‘digitisation’, convergence of hitherto separate computer and tele-communication technologies had been realised. Multinational Companies in US, Japan and Europe started making and selling digital electronic switches for telephone exchanges as faster substitute of hitherto used slow and cumbersome electro-mechanical switches. They had established a monopoly position in it.

India also wanted to shift from electro-mechanical to digital switching system to meet the fast growing demand for telephones. A lot of marketing pressure was put by multinational on India’s Depart-ment of Telecommunications (DOT) to buy their property new digital switching system. Under the cir-cumstances GOI asked Department of Electronics and DOT to jointly establish a Centre for Develop-ment of Telecommunication( C-DOT) with development of electronic switching as one of its mandate. It is around this time (1984) that NRI Sam Pitroda with established credentials in the communication technol-ogy living in US while on a visit to India for attending a Conference, impressed by digital and computer expertise available in India, presented a plan of making digital switching system in India to Indira Gandhi and her cabinet colleagues. Pitroda’s suggested digital switch , unlike those of multinationals meant to work in clean air-conditioned environment, promised to work in dusty and hot rural environment. Im-pressed by the presentation and sensing the possibility of making telephone accessible to both rural and urban populations through indigenous technology, Prime Minister invited Sam Pitroda and extended him a grant to head to an independent project at C-DOT for indigenously making digital switches. As a result, digital switching system that could work in dusty and hot rural and urban environment were not only de-veloped but under one of the technology missions of Rajiv Gandhi (the young PM after the death of Indira Gandhi) , C-DOT delivered 60 million lines through Public Call Offices (PCOs) leading to an exponential growth of the telecom services. For the first time since independence telephone communication was brought within walking distance of a large cross section of India’s population. To give further push to dig-itisation and computerisation, Rajiv Gandhi in 1984 established Telecom Commission, the country’s high-est telecom policymaking body and made Pitroda’s Chief technology advisor to PM its first chairperson. Centre for Development of Advanced Computers (C-DAC) was also established. A Computer Policy was formulated that allowed import of computers for developing and exporting software. It is during this time that in response to a ban imposed by US government on its CRAY company to supply its supercom-puter to India ( required for weather forecasting purposes) , C-DAC came out with its own supercomputer Param.

By now a good indigenous base in digitisation technology had been created in India

Here it may be noted that Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, had refused USA’s pressure for computerisation of Indian Railways in 1984.

In 1991, however, Indian economy under Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh had started opening The government further eased controls on import of computers and allowed the import of fully assembled motherboards with processors, the core of a computer with connected chips. Locally made peripheral components could then be added to it to assemble a computer system. Although duty had to be paid for import of motherboard, overall there was a net reduction in the price of computers.

With wider availability of computers, in 1995, the then public sector monopoly Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited launched India’s first internet service for public access. The country saw a mushrooming of internet cafes.

In 1998, global multimillion computer industry was caught in an unexpected lack of foresight of the coming year 2000. It had failed to anticipate that the practice of keeping only two empty places in the memory to specify a year ( to save memory space) could lead to systems breaking down when January 1, 2000 dawned, known as ‘Y2K’ problem . The task of trawling through millions of lines of installed computer code to correct the Y2K fault was not only tedious but time consuming. 'Y2K was like godsend for India’s software capabilities using which Indian firms had quickly developed methods of debugging computers programmed to use only two digits to signify the year. India’s earnings through export of software companies rose exponentially and ever since have continued to grow.

With expansion of telecommunication and internet usage entry of mobile phones followed and by now have widely penetrated in India.

Building on the evolved digital infrastructure, government , national and multinational companies, non-government organisations have started using it some for welfare and some for commercial purposes.

In a sense India is at a stage where it has some expertise in digital technology as also appears to be taking a step forward to enter the Digital age.


The proposed deliberations, on ‘Human Future in Digital Era’ seek to achieve following objectives:
0301. To comprehand the science of digital technology/Information Technology.
0302. To determine status of development of digital technology in India.
0303. To explore the connections between digital technology and production & distribution.
0304. To investigate connection between digital technology and employment.
0305. To find out association between digital technology and education.
0306. To assess impact of digital technology on learning and creativity,
0307. To evaluate impact of digital technology on health of the general public.
0308. To determine the impact digital technology on social cohesion, peace, conflict, violence, rapes and murders.
0309. To ascertain secularising and/or communalising effects of digital technology.
0310. To investigate relationship between digital technology and bio-diversity including ecology and envi-ronment.
0311. To assess power of digital technology in stopping extinction of species and saving the world from extinction.
0312. To determine the power of digital technology in making the future of human better, safer and secure.
0313. To determine the power of digital technology for promoting slavery and destroying democracy.
0314. To investigate effects of Digital Technology/Information Teachnology/robotics on human personalities and human behaviour.
0315 To explore effects of ‘Information overload’ on human thoughts, creativity and behaviour.
0316Any other relevant to the understanding of the need, relevance and validity of Digital/Information Technology/Robotics..


Taking note of the above context the following are some of the issues that require concerted consideration and discussion:

  1. The extent to which indigenous technological base of India has improved? Is India today self-reliant in Digital Technology?
  2. Has India’s dependence on foreign S & T declined substantially?
  3. Is dependence of Indian industries on imported technology increased or decreased ?
  4. What aspects of India’s socio-economic development are on the computerisation and digitisation agenda and details thereof:
    • Employment for all able persons?
    • Redress problems of hunger and disease?
    • Agriculture Productivity and farmers welfare?
  5. Will digitisation upgrade or degrade skills of Indian youth and artisans?
    In order to seek valid answers to all these and many more questions scientists need to keep the following four major questions in view:
    • What was India before introduction of computer or digital technology?
    • What is India today?
    • What will India be tomorrow?
    • What India ought to be?


While dialoguing on above questions we need to pay due attention to some of the following new phrases/buzzwords commonly found in the rhetoric being communicated to us by digital media 24 x 7 .

SiliconValley, Knowledge Society, Global Village, Virtual World, Information Revolution, Ama-zon, Flipkart, Google, Aadhar card, A.T.M., Paytm, E-governance, E-commerce, Smart Phone, Smart Town, Cyber Crime, Tele-medicine, Cashless Economy, Skill development, Make-in-India, Sting Operation, Net Neutrality, Selfie, Video, Internet Chat, Social Media, Whatsapp Cloud Technology, Big data, etc. ,


What is true for India may be true for all other Asian, African and Latin American countries. It would enrich the proposed deliberations if scientists from these countries including USA, Canada, Europe and Australia contribute their research papers and participate in the deliberations.

Indian Social Science Academy and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, there-fore, propose to focus the deliberations of the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress on ‘Human Future in Digital Era’. It invites all scientists, technologists, philosophers, social activists, policy planners and the General public to put forward resuslts of their research/thinking at the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress. All the science academies of today’s world arecordially invited.


Following may be considered as major sub-themes of the focul theme ‘Human Future In Digital Era’:
0501. Science and Technology of Digital Era.
0502. Politics and political implication of Digital Era.
0503. Connection between digital technology and economy.
0504. Impact of digital technology on employment and generation of new job opportunities.
0505. Impact of digital technology on Peoples Health.
0506. Impact of digital technology on education, learning and research.
0507. Impact of digital technology on removal of poverty and large scale undernourish-ment/malnourishment.
0508. Digital Technology, social cohesion, social alienation and social violence.
0509. Biodiversity, ecology global warming and digital technology.
0510. Social Justice, crimes and digital technology.
0511. Digital technology, Democracy and the new forms of slavery.
0512. Role of digital technology in conflicts and war.
0513. Information over load And Human Behaviour.
0514 Virtual Learning And Real Learning
0515 e-governance and law-And-order.

0700 Seminars/Symposia/Colloquia/ Workshops Themes

  1. International
    1. Science of Real World Vs Science of Virtual World.
    2. Impact of digitization/information technology on World Economy and Peoples Economic conditions.
    3. Centralizing power of digital technology and sustainability of the Human on Planet Earth.
    4. Nuclearisation, Digitization and Annihilation of Human.
    5. Third World War
    6. Madan Mohan Malviya’s Vision of University Education System
  2. National
    1. Status of indigenous Science and Technology.
    2. Status of Indigenous Digital Science and Technology.
    3. Impact of digital/information technology on Indian Economy.
    4. Impact of digital/information Technology on Indian Agriculture.
    5. Impact of digital Technology on Peoples quality of life and health.
    6. Impact of digital/information technology on School and University Education System.
    7. Digital Technology and Social Alienation.
    8. Digital Technology/Information Technology and Social Violence (rapes, murders).
    9. Digital Technology/Information Technology Democracy and Human Rights.
    10. Impact of Digital/Information Technology on Family, Community, Society and Culture.
    11. E-commerce, e-trading, GST, and Corporate Capital.
    12. Secularizing/Communalizing Effects of Digital/Information Technology.
    13. Cyber Crimes, Net-Neutrality and call drop, Face book, Whatsapp.
    14. Impact of Digital Technology on Labour.
    15. Information Technology Revolution and Social Revolution
  3. Special Workshops/Colloquia
    1. Relevance and validity of selective approach to University Education System.
    2. Funding of Research and Development.
    3. Teacher-less class and Classless Teacher.
    4. Privatization/ Corporatization of Education.
    5. Dynamics of Rising Unemployment under Neoliberal Economy.
    6. Madan Mohan Malviya’s Vision of University Education System


The proposed deliberations on ‘Human Future In Digital Era’ call for intra, inter and multi disciplinary objective, dispassionate and non-political approach. Twenty Eight Subjects Research Committees, 21 interdisciplinary Thematic Panels, 8 plenaries, several international and national semi-nars/symposia/workshops/colloquia, special and public lectures by eminent scientists shall, therefore, deli-berate upon all aspects of the focal theme ‘Human Future In Digital Era’,synthesis of the results of deli-berations will be done by Task Force of the XLII Indian Social Science Congress.

    1. I. Impact of Digitization on Agriculture
    2. Evolving Strategy for the Resolution of Deepening Agrarian Crisis
    3. Digital Technology and GM Crops

      Special theme:

    1. Impact of Digitalization of the World on Existence, Survival and Growth of Humans.
    2. Native and narratives in digital world.
    3. Ethnographies and narratives is a global world.
    4. Gift and Social exchange in global world.
    5. Digital Technology, Democracy and Human right.
    6. Digital Technology and Tribal Development.
    7. Digital Technology empowerment.
    8. Cultural awareness and Tribal empowerment


    1. Architectural Heritage and Digital Technology
    2. Archival Studies and digital technology
    3. Epigraphy and Digital Technology
    4. Prehistoric and Historical Research and Digital Technology.
    5. Impact of Digitization of the World on Culture
    6. Digitization and Numismatic Studies
    1. Theme: Biological Implications of World’s Digitization (Bioinformatics)


    1. Research in Biotechnology & Its Connections with Digitization
    2. India’s Dependence on Foreign/Imported Digital Technology
    1. Impact of Digital Technology on Chemical Science
    2. Digital Chemical Technology and Human Future


    1. (I) Impact Digitization on Trade and Commerce
    2. e-Commerce, e-Trading, GST and Corporate Capital


    1. Impact of Digitized Communication on People, Society and Social Cohesion


    1. Indigenous Development of Digital Technology


    1. Digitization, Remote Sensing and The Planet Earth
    2. Technology and Weather Forecasting


    1. Digitization and Conservation of Ecology and Environment


    1. Connection between Digital Technology and Economics
    2. Impact of Digital Technology on Employment and Generation of New Job Opportunity
    3. Impact of Digital Technology on Poverty, Hunger and under/mal nourishment
    4. Impact of Digital Technology on Employment and Skill Development
    5. Nexus between Digital Technology and Poverty & Well being
    6. Role of Digital Technology in Public Services Delivery


    1. Impact of Digitization on School and University Education
    2. Impact of Digital Technology on Education, Learning and Research
    3. Teacher-less Class and Class-less Teacher
    4. Role of Digitized In Privatization/Corporatization/Commoditization of Education
    5. Funding of Research And Education


    1. Impact of Digitization on Engineering and Technological Education and Research
    2. of Digital Technology on Development and Innovations of Indigenous Technologies for Self-Reliant Development


    1. Geographical Perspectives on Population, Development and Ecology


    1. Impact of Digitization on Food and Home Kitchen
    2. of Digital of Digital Technology on Clothing and Life Style


    1. Digitized International Relations
    2. Digitized Weapons of Mass Destruction-led War and Destruction of Life from the Plant Earth
    3. India and Its Neighbors
    4. Trade War between USA and China
    5. of continued Conflict and War in Middle East


    1. Impact of Digitization on Social Justice
    2. Impact of Digitalization on Freedom, Privacy and Equality
    3. Cyber Crime


    1. Impact of Digitization of Indian Languages and Creativity


    1. . Concept And Theory of Digitized Industrial and Social Management (e.g. Biometrics, Aadhar, DNA, etc)
    2. Digital Technology and e-Governance


    1. . Mathematics of Digital Technology
    2. Informatics
    3. Digitalised Statistical Manipulations
    4. Big Data Analysis


    1. Impact of Digitization Technology on Medical Science and Peoples Health
    2. Impact of Digital Technology Radiation on Peoples’ Health
    3. Necessity, Relevance and Effectiveness of Telemedicine.
    4. Digital Technology and Radiology


    1. Philosophy of Digitized World
    2. Ethics of Digital Technology


    1. Physics and Digital Technology
    2. Physics and Radiation
    3. Understanding Cosmic Radiation and its Connection with Digital Technology
    4. Physics and Economics


    1. Political Power of Digital Technology
    2. Digital Technology and Democracy
    3. Digital Technology and State
    4. Digital Technology, Aadhar Card and National Register
    5. Digital Technology and Human Rights
    6. One country, one vote and Union of States


    1. Psychology of Digital Technology Created Virtual World Vs Psychology of Real World
    2. Psychology of Virtual Learning
    3. Information Overload and Human Behaviour
    4. Digital Technology and Personality Disorder


    1. . Effects of Digital Technology on Society and Social Behaviour
    2. Digital Technology, Social Violence and Social Work


    1. Sociology of Digital Technology
    2. Digital Technology, Family, Society and Social Alienation.
    3. Impact of Digital Technology on Social Processes and Social Technology
    4. Sociology of Digital Technology, Generated Violence (Rapes and Murders)
    5. Human in Digital Era: Opportunities and Threats
    6. Digital Era and Society: Changing nature of social relationship and social problems
    7. Women in Digital Era: Newer Horizons and Newer Challenges
    8. Youth and Children in Digital Era: Challenges and opportunities
    9. Digital Era: The Way Forward


There are 21 interdisciplinary Thematic Panels as stated below. Research scientists, policy planners, development administrators and social activists concerned with the given Panels are welcome to submit their research papers:

  1. Conflicts, War, Peace and Social Security
  2. Democracy And Human Rights
  3. Ecological and Environmental Protection Movements
  4. Ethics of Science and Society
  5. Global Warming and Climate Change
  6. History and Philosophy of Science
  7. Information Technology, Mass Media and Culture
  8. Labour in Organized and Unorganized Sectors
  9. Nation, States and Emerging Challenges
  10. Natural Resources, Bio-diversity and Geographic Information System
  11. Patent Laws and Intellectual Property Rights
  12. Peasants, Livelihood and Land-use
  13. People (Dalits, Tribes, Women, Peasants, etc) Struggles And Movements For Equitable Democratic Society
  14. Peoples Health and Quality of Life
  15. Political Economy of India
  16. Population, Poverty and Migration
  17. Rural Technology, Social Organizations and Rural Development
  18. Science Communication and Science Popularization
  19. Science, Technology and Social Development
  20. Social Processes, Social Structures and Social Alienation
  21. Unity of Science /Science of Nature-Humans-Society

Ad Hoc Group Discussion

Scientists or a group of scientists doing research on a new theme having newer theoretical and me-thodological and social implications are welcome to organize discussion on the same. Those interested in it are advised to send their proposal to the General Secretary before Oct 15, 2018. The proposer shall be its convener and should moblise 5-10 participants having papers on the same theme.

Eighth All India Young Scientists Convention

Eighth All India Young Scientists Convention will be held during the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress. Its main object is to bring young scientists of all subjects of science together to learn science of Nature-Humans-Society in order to do creative and original research and be able to play leadership role in the realm of Science and Society and Indian Social Science Academy.

Task Force

Task Force shall hold its deliberations on the deliberations of XLII Indian Social Science Congress in post-dinner session between 2130-2300 hours every day. It will present its ‘Trend Report’ to the assembly of delegates on December 19, 2018 at 1400 hrs for discussion and adoption. It is to explore and develop newer ideas, theories, methods and policy applications emerging from the deliberations of the XLII Indian Social Science Congress.

Submission of Papers

All university and college teachers, students and scientists working in CSIR, ICAR, ICMR, ICSSR, ICPR, ICHR, DST Institutes, IIISERS, NISERS, IITs, NITs, Engineering Colleges, Medical and Health Science Universities, Medical Colleges, AIIMS, PGIs, National/Regional Laboratories, DRDO’s In-stitutes/Laboratories, are cordially invited to present their research papers at the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress

Papers can be either based on research or on review of researches or study of policies and Peoples movements. Those who are working in the field and wish to present papers based on their field works too are welcome to present their papers. However, none is permitted to present papers by copying others’ papers from research Journals or internet. Each paper, therefore, has to be accompanied by a duly signed ‘Declaration Form’ given in the annexure. Scientists found guilty of plagiarization shall be respon-sible for their acts.

Three copies of a paper, with CD and its abstract in triplicate should be submitted to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy. Abstract of papers should be within 500 words and the paper within 7000 words and format given in the annexureshould be used

It is advisable to e-mail abstracts and papers to the respective Chairman of Research Com-mittees/Thematic Panels and the General Secretary, ISSA in order to facilitate quick response (See pp 19-31). All papers are edited by the respective research committees. Provisional acceptance is issued on receipt of abstract of the paper and final acceptance after submission of the full paper and completion of registration.

Dates For Submission of Papers

The last date for submission of abstract and full paper are as follows:

(i) Last Date For Submission of Abstract : December 01, 2018
(ii) Last Date For Submission of Full Paper: December 10, 2018

It may be noted that one can submit paper even after the last date and till December 10, 2018. No paper, however, will be received during the session of the 42nd Indian Social Science Congress. The papers received after December 10 , 2018 will be printed after the XLII ISSC is over.

Since issue of visa is a time consuming process, the foreign scholars are advised to submit the abstract of their papers before September 15, 2018 and the full paper before November 30, 2018 along with their bio-data after visiting website of Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India


Papers can be submitted either in Hindi or in English as the Hindi and English are the official languages of Indian Social Science Congress. As a policy Indian Social Science Academy would like to have all Indian languages as the medium of exchange at ISSC. However, it doesn’t have resources for it. Those who cannot write in Hindi or English are welcome to write in their language. However, they are ex-pected to mail the original text of their papers along with the translated copy either in Hindi or Eng-lish.

Gold Medals

Two Gold Medals, namely, A.K. Tharien Gold Medal and B.V. Rangarao Gold Medal are available for the best papers presented at the XLII Indian Social Science Congress. Two best papers of XLII ISSC adjudged by appropriate committee shall be given Gold Medals at the next session of Indian Social Science Congress in 2019.

Accommodation and Food

All registered delegates of XLII Indian Social Science Congress shall be provided free Guest House/Hostel Accommodation and free food with effect from December 26, 2018 (dinner) to January1, 2019 (breakfast). Accommodation, however, will be available from December 26, 2018 morning. Foreign delegates will be provided accommodation on receipt of intimation well in advance. Those wishing to stay in hotels are advised to make their own arrangements. The Organizing Committee would charge rent for the accommodation prior to December 26 and after December 31, 2018.

All correspondence regarding accommodation should be addressed to the Local Organizing Secre-tary. Filled-in Accommodation And Food Form and Travel Form given in the annexure should be mailed to the Local Organizing Secretary before November 20, 2018..

Transport and Registration\

All registered delegates of XLII Indian Social Science Congress will be received at railway station/ airport/bus station at Bhubaneswar.

Kashi Darshan

Bhubaneswar is a beautiful place. Arrangement for visit to beautiful places will be made on De-cember 26, 2018 and January 1, 2019. Delegates desirous of seeing the beautiful and historical places are requested to contact the Organizing Secretary well in advance.


All those who wish to present their research papers at XLII Indian Social Science Congress are re-quired to get themselves registered by paying the stipulated registration fee. Details of registration fee a as follows:

Category Up to December 20, 2018 From December21, 2018
Member Delegate Rs 3,000.00 Rs 3,500.00
Non-Member Delegate Rs 4,000.00 Rs 4,500.00
Institutional Member Delegate(up to three persons) Rs 10,000.00 Rs 12,500.00
Non Member Institutional Delegate(up to three persons) Rs 15,000.00 Rs 18,500.00
Member Students Delegate Rs 2,000.00 Rs 25,500.00
Non-Member Students Delegate Rs 2,500.00 Rs 3,000.00
Local Delegate Rs 2,000.00 Rs 2,500.00
Foreign Delegates
     From Afro-Asian-Latin American Countries Rs. 5,000.00 Rs. 6,000.00
     From Other Countries(North America and europe) US $ 200.00 US $ 250.00
Accompanying Persons*
     Indian Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 2,500.00
     Afro-Asian-Latin American Countries Rs. 2,500.00 Rs. 3,000.00
     Other Foreign Countries(North America and europe) US $ 150.00 US $ 200.00

*The word ‘accompanying person’ means wife or husband or child. A child below the age of 6 years shall not be charged for food

One who is not a member but wishes to become member of the Indian Social Science Academy can send the membership fee and the registration fee meant for member-delegate along with filled-in membership and registration forms.

An institution/organization can depute its three or more representatives to the Indian Social Science Congress. In the event of more than three representatives, the cost of registration for individual delegate (member or non-member) shall be payable by the concerned institution/organization.

Unregistered scholars attending XLII Indian Social Science Congress shall be required to buy the food coupon from the counter. No certificate shall be issued to unregistered scholars or scholars who have registered without submitting any papers. No one will be entitled to receive literature of XLII ISSC without registration.

The Registered delegate is entitled to receive kitbags, all publications of the XLII Indian Social Science Congress including its proceedings free of cost, free hostel accommodation, free meals, and free transport from the Guest House/Hostel to the venue of XLII ISSC. The Organizing Committee may provide free or on payment transport from the railway station/airport to the Guest House/Hostel depending upon its resources. However, delegates staying in hotels or on their own shall not be entitled for free transport. Local registered delegates will be entitled for kitbags, free lunch, day tea/coffee and banquets only. Free Breakfast, lunch, day tea and dinner will be available to registered delegates with effect from evening of December 26, 2018 to the morning breakfast of January 1, 2019 only.

The registration fee should be sent to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy by an account payee DD in favour of Indian Social Science Academy payable at Allahabad under registered cover. Outstation cheque or money order will not be entertained. Multicity cheques will be accepted.

Although on the spot registration will be made, yet the Organizing Committee is not bound to pro-vide hostel accommodation to such outstation delegates if the accommodation is not available.

It is, therefore, advisable to get registered within the stipulated time in order to avoid last minutes inconvenience.

The invited scholars and members of the Executive Council, NAAC, Organizing Committee, Re-search Committees, Thematic Panels, Task Force and other bodies and special invitees are advised to pay the registration fee within the stipulated period and act in accordance with advice by the General Secretary, Indian Social Sciences Academy. None is exempted from registration fee. Registration is necessary for enabling the Organizing Committee to arrange accommodation, transport and food for all.

Timely registration and intimation of need for accommodation will facilitate planning for food, accommodation, Transport, Kits, etc.

Refund of the registration fee will be made after deducting 40% as the service charges if the re-quest for it is received before December 10, 2018. Literature of the XLII ISSC, however, shall not be sup-plied in such cases. Those who have registered but are not able to attend the XLII ISSC because of un-avoidable reasons would be supplied all the publications if their request for refund is not received within the stipulated date or if they do not wish refund.

In the event of more than one author of a paper, all will be required to pay the registration fee in-dividually. Co-author of a paper shall not be treated as accompanying person.


Indian Social Science Congress is open to ISSA members as well non-members. Those who wish to become members of ISSA are advised to post their membership fee along with filled-in membership form to the General Secretary. Such new members shall be eligible for concession in registration fee of XLII ISSC.

Travel Support

All the scholars working in universities, colleges, research institutes, laboratories and R&D organizations shall be expected to seek travel and registration support from their respective organizations. Those who are retired or do not enjoy any institutional support are advised to write to the General Secretary, Indian Social Science Academy before October 15, 2018. All research students in receipt of UGC/CSIR/ICSSR/ICHR/ICPR Fellowships shall meet their travel and registration fee from their contin-gency grants. Such research students who are not receiving any fellowship are advised to write to the Gen-eral Secretary along with ‘bonafide’ and ‘non-receipt of Fellowship’ from their Registrar. Partial or full support will be provided on availability of fund. All Plenary speakers, Chairpersons/Conveners not having institutional support are advised to inform the General Secretary at the earliest.

All requests for travel support will be considered by the appropriate committee and decision will be com-municated by December 15, 2018.

one without paper and without prior commitment by the General Secretary in writing shall be entitled for travel support and on the spot payment of the TA bill is subject to receipt of UGC Grant before December 26, 2018 by Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.


Programs of XLII Indian Social Science Congress shall begin at 0900 a.m. and will continue till 23.00 hours every day. Registration of local delegates will commence on December 25, 2018 and outstation registered delegates on Dec 26, 2018 An outline of programs of XLII ISSC is given inside the cover page. The structure of programs will be as follows:

0800 - Registration
0900-1300 Plenary
1300-1400 Lunch Break
1400-1700 Parallel Sessions
1700-1830 Special/Public Lectures
1830-1900 Free Time
1930-2030 Cultural Programs/Official Meeting
12130-2300 Task Force/Young Scientists Meet/State Social Science Academies

(Those RCs, Thematic Panels/Symposia, Seminars etc needing extra time can hold their sessions during 1900-2030 and 2139-2300 hours)

Inauguration of XLII ISSC will be held between 1000-1200 hrs on December 27, 2018 and the valedictory between 1600-1800 hrs on December 31, 2018.

Printed copies of Programmes will be available to registered delegates with Kits from the registration counter with effect from December 26, 2018. Discount of 40-50% will be available on ISSA publications.

All Research Committees, Thematic Panels and Symposia groups shall meet on December 26, 2018 at 14.30 hrs. at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Annual Meeting of the General House of the Indian Academy of Social Sciences will be held on December 28, 2018 at 1800 hrs at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Organizing Committee and Executive Council shall meet on December 26, 2018 at 10.00 a.m. at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

No Committee/Panel other than Plenary can hold meetings between 0900-1300 hrs.


Certificates will be available to the registered delegates with papers from the registration counter with effect from December 31, 2018 noon. All the registered delegates wishing to obtain certificates are re-quested to submit ‘Self-Appraisal Participation Report’ to the registration counter latest by December 30, 2018 at 10.00 a.m.

No certificate will be issued to the registered delegates without papers. Participation without paper by the local scholars is welcome, but no participation certificate will be issued to them.

Although all are expected to stay and participate in the deliberations of XLII Indian Social Science Congress with effect from December 27 to 31, 2018, yet those who wish to leave before because of some urgency are advised to inform the Local Organizing Secretary and the registration counter the date and time of their departure along with their postal addresses in writing. Their certificates will be posted later on.

Whom to contact?


  • Dr. N.P. Chaubey
  • General Secretary
  • Indian Social Science Academy
  • Iswar Saran Ashram Campus,
  • Allahabad 211004 (U.P.)
  • Email:; Tel: 0532-2544245 (O), 0532-2544570 (R)
  • Website:
  • Or
  • Dr. D.M. Diwakar
  • Member-Secretary
  • XLII Indian Social Science Congress
  • Professor & Head of Economics,
  • Former Director,
  • A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies,
  • Patna 800001 (Bihar)
  • Email:
  • Tel: 0612-2219395, M: 09472973336
  • Organizing Secretary
  • Dr Sasmitarani Samanta
  • Organizing Secretary
  • 42nd Indian Social Science Congress
  • Registrar, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar
  • Email:
  • M: +919437035188; +919937220218
  • Website:


  • Joint-Organizing Secretary
  • (i) Dr Bishwavandita Kar
  • Director, KIIT Research Cell
  • Professor in School of Applied Sciences,
  • Dean, School of Yoga
  • Email id: 9937043375
  • Joint-Organizing Secretary
  • Dr Banshidhar Mulia
  • Head, Department of Plastic Surgery
  • KIMS, KIIT University
  • Email id:
  • Mobile No. +917077927835

PLEASE VISIT WEBSITES: ISSA: and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Web-site: